Keep Frost Heaves in Check
New England winters can wreak havoc on your fence. Frost heaves left unchecked or unrepaired may lead to leaning fence posts or gates no longer working correctly. Here’s what you should do:
1) Level each fence post after the winter is over, and the ground is no longer frozen 2) Tamp the soil around each post with a bar tamp to firm up the foundation 3) Add sand or stone dust around the post; tamp this down as well 4) Repeat numbers 1-3 periodically to keep your fence straight, strong, and working order for years to come. Don’t hesitate to call us for help. These tips are meant to be easy enough for any of our customers to complete, but we understand other life demands may take precedent. As always, we would be happy to provide you with a free estimate on any fence repair or maintenance services. Just call us at 781-599-6531 to schedule an appointment! Comments are closed.
Author:Robert Georgenes, Owner of GEO Brothers, LLC fence company Archives
December 2024